Monday 21 March 2011


Wassup my Gold Coasters?

I’m soooo PUMPED UP and ready to get my workout on and work up a lil sweat down by the beach in Surfers Paradise.

Haha Ohh Damn how rude of me I didnt even introduce myself you guys are probably wondering who the hell is this crazy lunatic guy. So let me fill you in the names Andy and I love long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners and love listening to Justin Bieber…….NOTTTT :P that is sooo not me but I do love the beach and food (good food) and like listening to SNOOP DOGG bust a rhyme.
I’m also a REALLY COOL Personal Trainer probably the coolest Personal Trainer in the world well at least thats what my mum says =) ………But yeah I am a fitness freak and lets just say when it comes to FAT LOSS and getting you a Lean SEXY Body “I’m Your Man” and thats what I’m best at.

So I came up with a pretty AWESOME Workout for you guys I called it the SUPERCHARGED FAT LOSS WORKOUT because:
  • its FAST and it will only take you about 15 minutes (so if your super super busy this is perfect for you)
  • its SIMPLE (no B.S complicated exercises)
  • its EFFECTIVE (feels like you’ve actually worked out because you sweat, push your body and get your muscles working and thinking its not like your AVERAGE BORING ROUTINES at the GYM)
Check it out…………..LETS GO!

-20 walking lunges
-10 star jumps
-10 burpees
-15 metre sprint and walk back
-10 pushups
-15 metre sprint and walk back
-10 squats
-10 seconds of fast feet on the spot
-20 situps
-10 burpees

Now take a breather and chill out for 2 minutes and repeat the workout 1 last time

Hope you liked it and kicked butt!


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