Sunday 24 April 2011

Lest We Forget Workout - Anzac Tribute Workout


Hope you guys had a great happy easter.

Was the easter bunny nice to you this year leaving you lots and lots of chocolates I bet he was haha. I know I'm guilty for eating alot of easter eggs and now I'm gunna pay the price and work my butt off commando style with this KICKASS DO OR DIE should too.

Todays Anzac Day where we remember the fallen diggers who fought and battled for us during the First World War which was 96 years ago they fought hard and did us proud these tough brave men are the definition of true real SUPERHEROES.

My ANZAC Day Tribute Workout

Jumping Jacks

x 96 reps each

this is a killer workout, your gunna need a killer attitude and put it in blood sweat and tears baby just like our boys did 96 years ago............I dont care how you do it split it up do it all in a row or any other way just do it and get it done...............HOORAHHH!

Anyways thats all for now because I'm gunna have a good ol' game of two up haha wish me luck =)

Dedicated to YOU!


Monday 18 April 2011

Top Easter Snacks To Help You Control Your Weight

Its that time of the year, every chocoholics dream where we get like a million easter eggs and get to dig in and stuff our faces with exotic chocolates.

Easter is like the best excuse out to binge on chocolate and have a loco coco overdose.

How awesome would it be to live in a world made of chocolate.....just like the Cadbry chocolate ad on tv or like Willy Wonka that would be sooo never know some dreams do come true?

mmmm......the world of chocolate

So is chocolate evil???


No way chocolate is the best.......however it is BADD if you have too much of it sooo just be smart about when you eat it.

Anyways because its easter and all you guys love chocolate soooooo much I'm gonna give you some of my fave chocolate recipe snacks to indulge myself during this festive season........

WARNING please try these out at home......pretty please: trust me they taste yummy and are pretty healthy so enjoy!

#1 Melted chocolate and a banana

#2 Melted chocolate and half a punnet of strawberries

#3 Nutella pancakes with blueberries

#4 Chocolate covered almonds

#5 Cinnamon mocha protein shake

 1 scoop of Anywhey protein powder
1 cup of 1%, skim, Lactaid, Rice, or Soy milk
¼-½ packet of sugar free chocolate Carnation instant breakfast, sugar free cocoa, or 1 tbsp. of sugar free Hershey syrup
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. decaffeinated instant coffee

Soooo there you have it my FAB 5 try 'em out and help yaself out by not pigging out too much on chocolate and sweets so you dont feel guilty and have to pay the price later with intense gruelling for now bye bye bye and have a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Easter.....enjoy!



Alright see you guys later and speak soon and take care and good luck with all your fitness and fat loss goals.


Monday 11 April 2011

You Booty........Awesome Butt Firming Exercises


I got a little secret for ya

BUTT first I just wanted to ask you one question.... Are you happy with your BEHIND?

Alotta chicas out there just like you wanna know - How Do I Get As BOOTYLICIOUS as Beyonce? or How Do I Get A Bum Like Kim Kardashidan?

Shaping and Toning your butt muscles is on the high wishlist for women. Every woman wants a nice firm butt. The butt is also the so called problem area for alot of women. Women carry alot of extra junk in their trunk (fat deposits). Female bodies are not very willing to give up these fat cells :( sooo its important to choose the right and best exercises and workouts to TRIM and TONE your GLUTEUS MAXIMUS.

Well coz I'm a good guy and the most AWESOMENESS Personal Trainer ever I'm going to give you the SECRET FORMULA for a FIRMER, TIGHTER, SEXIER and TONED BUTT..........woohoo Hi 5!

You gotta love squats......this exercise is like the bomb when it comes to building BUNS OF STEEL......and the best thing about the squat is that your not just working out ya booty but your also workin your thighs and hamstrings.
*Do 3 sets of 15 reps and feeeeeel the burn :D

This exercise works wonders for your glutes also hitting your hips and thighs.........awwwwww yeh
*Do 3 sets of 20 reps

These are sooooooooo good for sculpting and shaping your butt.
This is how you do it....get on the floor on all fours, extend one leg and with the foot clocked to a point that places it in line with the head. Then raise it to a 45-degree angle with the foot elevated above the head. The key to maximum results is to concentrate on contracting the glutes throughout the full range of motion.
*Do 3 sets of 10 reps

Easy peasy japenesy......You just have to step on a platform, or any raised area for that matter. You have to step up and down repeatedly on a quick motion with a straight back at all times to be able to work not only your butt, but also your legs, and even your thighs.
*Do 3 sets of 16 steps

Talk to you soon,


Sunday 3 April 2011

Motivation to the EXTREME featuring David Letterman

Guess whos back??? Back again.........Andys back tell a friend!!!!!!

How you doing guys? I hope your doing awesome and doing whatever it takes to get into incredible shape :) and if not I wanna motivate your ass to help you get your dream body

I found this cool video for you guys to watch to get you CRAZY motivated check it out........

Now that all of you are super pumped and ready to sweat it out and burn some calories I thought I would share with you "The Top 10 Signs You've Eaten Too Much" from the one and only Mr. David Letterman.........Can I get a DRUMROLL please...........hit it!

The Top Ten Signs You've Eaten Too Much
 AND THEY ARE......................

10.Hundreds of volunteers have started to stack sandbags around you.

9.Doctor tells you your weight would be perfect for a man 17 feet tall.
8.You are responsible for a slight but measurable shift in the earth's axis

7.Right this minute you're laughing up pie on the carpet.

6.You decide to take a little nap and wake up in mid-July.

5.World's fattest man sends you a telegram, warning you to "back off!"

4.CBS tells you to lose weight or else.

3.Getting off your couch requires help from the fire department.

2.Every escalator you step on immediately grinds to a halt.

1.You're sweatin' gravy.

So thats it for now and as Nike says "JUST DO IT!" ;)

Andy A.K.A the Fat Terminator
Hasta La Vista Baby